SALARY: R382 245 – R461 745 per year. The selected candidate will be required to sign a performance agreement.
CENTER: Northern Cape Provincial Service Centre: Kimberley

REQUIREMENTS: Certificate of Matriculation and Three-year National Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Finance/Accounting. A valid driver’s license. Three years of relevant supervisory experience. Knowledge and deep understanding of the public service, PFMA, regulations and guidelines of the Treasury. understanding and experience policies and procedures of Supply Chain Management in the public sector. Relevant experience in Asset Management. Skills and Competencies: Knowledge of government financial systems; Knowledge of contract management; financial management skills; Knowledge of the Authority of the Delegations; Knowledge of asset management policies and procedures; Analysis capacity; Writing and reporting skills, Interpersonal relations; Planning and Organizing; computer literacy; Good communication skills (written and verbal); Problem resolution; teamwork; Attention to details; Responsibility and ethical conduct.

FUNCTIONS: Develop and implement internal control measures for acquisitions. Ensure that quotations and tenders are handled effectively and efficiently in accordance with the precepts of the National Treasury and the Departmental Supply Chain Management Policy. Advise and support end users with the timely development of specifications/terms of reference for obtaining quotes and offers. Evaluate the documentation/requirements for approval by the delegated officials. Verify invoices, purchase orders in the procurement system and ensure timely payment of invoices. Advise and administer the function of the Provincial Control Committee, Specification Committee(s) related to Supply Chain Management. Draft circulars and communicate SCM policies and procedures to all officials in the province. Make sure the documents fully comply with the requirements. Manage all transversal and departmental contracts. Monthly reports of irregular, unsuccessful, wasteful and unauthorized acquisitions
expenses incurred. Ensure the implementation of departmental assets Management Policy in the province. Maintain and manage the updating of the patrimonial registry in the systems approved for the province. Manage the asset verification process and meet verification plan deadlines. Update and reconcile all leased assets against the Departmental Asset Registry and supporting documentation. Verify and assist in the compilation of the annual financial statement notes. declarations of assets and leases. Establish and manage an electronic database of all obsolete and redundant assets. Advise and manage the function of the Provincial Alienation Committee and any other committee within the unit. Any other functions that may be requested by management from time to time.

INQUIRIES: Technical inquiries: Ms S Kayuma Tel No: 053 807 2720/27
HR related inquiries: Ms M Seitlhamo Telephone number: 053 807 2735/27

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